Source: "http://www.chembio.ntnuno/users/ystenes/CV.html"
Curriculum vitae for Martin Ystenes
Sivilingeniør (M. Sc.)
Department of Industrial Chemistry
(Now: Department of Chemical Engineering), The Norwegian Institute of Technology,
Trondheim, 1980.
Title of diploma: Dispersions of Oligomers.
Supervisor: Professor John Ugelstad.
Dr. Ing. (Ph. D.)
Department of Inorganic chemistry, The Norwegian Institute of Technology,
Trondheim, 1986.
Title of thesis: Vibrational analysis of ethyl benzoate and its titanium
tetrachloride complexes.
Supervisors: Professor Harald A. Øye and Professor Erling
- Stud.ass. i generell og uorganisk kjemi 1978-1980
- Forskn. ass. v/institutt for industriell kjemi 1981.
- Vit.ass./sipendiat v/institutt for uorganisk kjemi 1982-1986
- 1. Amanuensis (Associate professor) 1986-1993.
- Professor since 1993
Visiting scientist at
University of Massachussets, Amherst,
MA USA. 1990. Host: Professor J.C.W. Chien. Want
me to prove it?
Universität, Clausthal, Clausthal-Zellerfeld (Harz) Germany, 1992.
Host: Professor W. Brockner.
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